All men who have turned out worth anything have had the chief hand in their own education. - Sir Walter Scott

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Expert Advice?

We are becoming more and more reliant on the advice of so-called experts in a variety of fields in life.

This mentality brings about a subservience towards the authorities which is unhealthy and also unhelpful. Take, for example, child rearing. There have been TV shows about super nannies who go into people's houses and teach them how to discipline their children. Do those nannies have their own children? The Children's Commissioner has never had her own offspring. Go into most maternity wards and you will probably find that the majority of Midwives have not had their own children. So what do these so-called experts know about child-birth, family life/child rearing when they have never experienced it themselves? Having your own children compared to merely being a nanny who has never had their own small people is not the same.

How can a Social Worker who has never had his/her own children pre-judge a situation without knowing the pressures that child bearing brings upon a new mother? A mum may be stressed out and tired due to lack of sleep but that doesn't make her a bad mother - she may just need help, even if it's only for an hour. A short break can be highly beneficial to a new mum!

How about the Children's Commissioner who has no children of her own - how can she make policies/recommendations/comments without ever having run a home after going through X hours of labour, countless sleepless nights, sore breasts, stitches, posseting babies, stinking nappies, terrible twos, independent threes, formidable fours, active fives etc.

How can 'experts' write countless books on child rearing when they have not had their own children? They not writing from experience, but from the ideas of others, perhaps. We would NEVER allow a man or woman to perform an operation unless they had completed countless years of training in medical school and yet there are many parents who are happy to have these so called experts telling them how to rear their children even though they have none of their own! WHY?

The government loves these experts to spout out ideas - we are a brain-washed population who have been led to believe that the expert knows best! See how words are used to control and manipulate people - EXPERTS! Well, I metaphorically stick my two fingers up at so called experts and say - experience counts for far more than all the hours of study these people have done from books (which were probably written by more childless experts!). Parents can't even feed their own children without there having to be sites on food - if the government is THAT concerned about the food children are eating, why don't they ban fast food - well that's not going to happen as I expect they are hoping to become company directors when they are voted out of parliament...

It's so convenient to get shot of your kids to the childless experts than actually get to know your children. This mentality has been dripping gradually into society for decades. We have health food experts, childcare experts, health experts. Books for this and pamphlets for that. Let's get out of this ridiculous oppressive and manipulative expert driven society and into one where people become their own experts by experiencing life as it is and not making life like a text book!

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