All men who have turned out worth anything have had the chief hand in their own education. - Sir Walter Scott

Thursday, 3 December 2009

Gentle Baby - Dying Lamb - Risen Saviour

Gently formed in maiden’s womb
The Redeemer of mankind.
Small and weak and helpless
Being formed to heal the blind

Tiny arms and tiny legs
Stretching in the womb
Being formed to die for us;
To defeat death in the tomb

Gentle babe, no kingly robes
Swaddling band as humble sheet.
Naked in birth, naked in death
Nails will pierce His feet.

Fingers grasping Mary’s hand
Smile upon His face.
Nails driven through His palms
He dies to take our place

Safely in His mother’s arms
No love for Him she lacks.
Becoming sin for all He calls
His Father turns His back.

Beautiful babe in animal stall
Life in every breath.
Lying in a darkened tomb
Conquering hell and death.

Heavenly babe lying still
Prophetic gifts are given.
Tomb lies empty
The Saviour lives!
He intercedes in heaven.

Written by me 3rd December 2009 08:42 :)

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