All men who have turned out worth anything have had the chief hand in their own education. - Sir Walter Scott

Thursday 12 August 2010

Avon and parties

I have been doing Avon now on and off since 1996 and I was planning on giving it up, but them I thought I need some extra money for the family! So I am planning on starting up an Avon parties business. If I'm honest I'm scared of failing and not doing well, but I have a paraphrase of the words of Thomas Edison firmly fixed in my mind -
"I have now found out 10,000 ways on how not to make a light bulb!" He carried on trying and hey presto we have electric lights! Another quote I read the other day was
"Often times, success rises out of the ashes of failure!" How can I learn unless I make mistakes, unless I am willing to change things

Anyway I'm going to try it :)

29th May 2011 = I've given up selling Avon as I have had an horrific reaction to one of their skincare products - it burned my skin so badly I had 2 blister-like bumps and my skin was peeling!


I PASSED!! Whooo hoooo! Only just, but I got it :D :D