All men who have turned out worth anything have had the chief hand in their own education. - Sir Walter Scott

Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Maths games using balls/beanbags and buckets

I was thinking about teaching active children, the other day, and I thought of an adding game for young children who love to run around

You will need: 
3 buckets
Quite a few bean bags or balls - Click HERE to watch a short video on making your own beanbags (while doing a search for a make your own beanbag video - it looks like in the US there's a game called cornhole beanbag - that's the kind of thing I mean when I say beanbag)

Have a start line which the child stands behind.
Fill one bucket with the beanbags or balls and place it away from the child
Place the other 2 buckets next to the child

The object of the game is to teach addition. So you give the child a sum (e.g. 4+3) and they run back and forth fetching beanbags or balls to put in the buckets - one bucket will end up with 4 and the other 3. When the correct amount are in each bucket - let the child count them and tell you the answer. 

You could use the balls/beanbags and buckets for subtraction

Put a certain amount of balls/beanbags in a bucket - say for example 8, then ask the child to take away 2. You could have another bucket, a bit further away for the child to throw the subtracted balls/beanbags into. They throw the 2 balls/beanbags away and then count the ones which are left - that's their answer!

If you had a few buckets you could always play a divide game with them and the balls/beanbags.

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