All men who have turned out worth anything have had the chief hand in their own education. - Sir Walter Scott

Friday, 28 June 2013

Speech given by A Hitler in 1937

"The youth of today is ever the people of tomorrow. For this reason we have set before ourselves the task of inoculating our youth with the spirit of this community of the people at a very early age, at an age when human beings are still unperverted and therefore unspoiled. This Reich stands, and it is building itself up for the future, upon its youth. And this new Reich will give its youth to no one, but will itself take youth and give to youth its own education and its own upbringing."
 Part of a speech given by Adolf Hitler in 1937 before he banned home education. 
Germany has never repealed this law. 
It is convenient for our governments to undermine parenting, make parents feel like they're not doing a good job, by bringing in 'experts' to tell parents how they should be bringing up their offspring. A lot of 'experts' haven't even had their own children so what do they know?
Parents don't hand your responsibility of raising your children over to schools (I don't mean home educate, if you can't do that, but be aware of what they are being taught in the classroom)!

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Mnemonics to remember circle of fifths

I love Mnemonics because they help me to learn. They can be as silly as you want. 

Remember in an earlier post the ditty to remember the order of sharps and flats:

Battle End And Down Goes Charles Father

Father Charles Goes Down And Ends Battle

How about something to remember the circle of fifths?

Major scales - sharps (starting with no sharps or flats ie C)

Carolyn Goes Down And Eats Bread Fast (just remember the F is F# Major)

Major scales with flats:

Carolyn Flattens BEADs Good (the BEAD - Bb, Eb, Ab, Db) Don't forget G is Gb

Now for the Minor Scales (sharps):

Always (0#) Emily (1#) Beats (2#) Four (3#) Cymbals (4#) Gongs (5#) Drums (6#)  (don't forget the FCGD are all sharps)

BUT go the other way and start with 6bs after the A

Emily (6b) Beats (5b) Four (4b) Cymbals (3b) Gongs (2b) Drums (1b) Always (0b) (don't forget the E and B are Eb and Bb)

Below is the Circle of Fifths

More Chords (Major scales)

I will try and explain making up chords on here BUT there is a fabulous video on YouTube called 'How to Make Chords from a Scale' presented by Karen Ramirez.

Let's take the scale of C Major (again - I keep choosing that because there are no sharps or flats :) ) and look at each note to make up the chords.


E = Major chord (I)

F = minor chord (II) 


How do I know it's a minor chord? If the key signature was D Major, then the F would be F# but as it isn't it must be a D Minor chord (D minor has 1b in the key signature)

G = minor chord (III) (E Major scale would have a G#)

A = Major chord (IV)

B = Major chord (V)

C = minor chord (VI)

D = diminished chord (VII)


I think Karen Ramirez explains these really well (although she doesn't explain the diminshed chord VII)! BUT I have been looking at it! 

I was wondering what made it a diminished chord? I looked at my circle of fifths to check this out! Well this is the conclusion I've come to:

It can't be B Major - because the B Major chord would have a D# and an F# in it.
Ah-ha, I thought, it must be a B Minor - oh not it's not (I hear you cry)! It can't be a B Minor either because the F would have to be sharpened (F#).

a diminished chord is made up of 2 stacked minor 3rd chord! (i think i have that correct!)

If anyone can explain it more thoroughly - feel free to use the comment box below :)