All men who have turned out worth anything have had the chief hand in their own education. - Sir Walter Scott

Saturday, 29 December 2012


Submission isn't obedience through oppression

Submission is the act of the will!

No one can force anybody to submit to them - if someone is forced to do something (even if they should be doing it, but aren't until forced) it is no longer submission, but oppression and subjugation.

The Bible commands every wife to submit to their husbands, but this submitting isn't something her husband should force upon her, this submitting should be something the woman chooses to do according to her will - it is a command and a woman should gladly submit and always submit, but only within a Biblical context. If a husband asks a wife to do something which is contrary to Scripture, then the wife has to say no - that is not being unsubmissive, that's being obedient to God's word! God should always have precidence!

Every Christian should submit to God and every wife should submit to her husband according to God's word!  Although this is a tricky and difficult thing to do at times! *sigh* I think I'm only getting to grips with this concept after 20 years of marriage!

God bless you readers xxxx

The Arms of Jesus

I posted this on my Blog - Accepted in the Beloved, but thought I would share it here:
Woke up this morning (Wednesday 26th December 2012) thinking about the arms of Jesus and some things in the Bible which might not necessarily mention Christ's arms, but the imagery is there.

Deuteronomy 33:27a
The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms

When you hold a baby, the safest place to hold them is underneath them - you wouldn't grab a baby by the head or grasp their ankles and dangle them upside down, no, the hands go underneath, to offer security and protection. God's arms are always underneath His people offering protection and security. We cannot fall and we are given the assurance that He will never leave us nor forsake us - in other words, He will never let us go.
Song of Solomon 6:2
My beloved is gone down into his garden, to the beds of spices, to feed in the gardens, and to gather lilies.

Isaiah 40:11b
he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom

When I'm in work I sometimes have to put lilies through the till and they are rather large flowers. The other week after reading SoS 6:2 I imagined Christ gathering us (His people) in His arms. Lilies are not like roses with big thorns so that Christ holds us gingerly, they are not weeds which Christ would pull at roughly, no lilies are delicate flowers, to be handled with care and gentleness and so Jesus gathers us in His arms, holding us close to His bosom (that's the best way to carry lilies, rather than by the bottom of their stems - in the crook of your arms, close to your heart). What a beautiful picture of Christ holding His people - holding YOU!

The other verse (is probably a bit more famous); - Christ called Himself the Good Shepherd and that He is! A lamb is such a small creature, helpless and needs protecting. The bosom is the place close to the heart - Christ carries His people close to His heart. Even the wayward lambs, the hyper-active lambs (that's me!), the shy lambs, the injured and hurting lambs - each one of us is carried close to Christ's heart. Can you imagine Him giving you a massive hug as you hurt, as you are stressed as you are poorly - feels those arms drawing you closer and closer to His heart.

Matthew 11:28
Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

I have always imagined Christ with a gentle tone in His voice (obviously we don't know what He looks like or sounds like, but I'm talking about in my soul), His arms outstretched beckoning so gently, for us to come into His arms. The 'Come' isn't one of an angry parent telling a child off, it's someone calling in a meek and gentle way those of us who are weak, heavy laden, hurting, ill, suffering etc. Again when we go to Christ we rest close to His heart - as He calls 'Come!' His arms are open wide but when we do come to Him, He closes them around us and holds us with an everlasting grasp which cannot be opened again - Nothing shall seperate us from the love of God in Christ - Nothing shall open His arms so that we fall from His grasp!

John 19:18
Where they crucified him

Years ago (in the late 80s) someone gave me a card which said something like - I asked Jesus how much He loved me and He opened His arms and died (I can't remember it exactly). Those arms which hold us close, also hold the wounds of His love. For every chosen person, Jesus was willing to have His hands/arms nailed to that cursed cross. Those arms which hold us close, were once outstretched so that He could hold a chosen people in them again, knowing that His death availed for every single one of them. In Hebrews 12:2 it says:
Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Why did He count it a joy? Because He knew that He was saving a people, He knew that once His work was complete, He could have His everlasting arms underneath His people, He could hold them in His arms, close to His bosom and He could love them, guide them, minister to them (through the Holy Spirit). He did it because of love - it has often been said - love held Him there, not the nails - that is so true. He endured mocking, scourging, being spat upon, having nails driven through His nerves, flesh, muscle, tendons - the pain, searing pain so that we could never endure the pain of hell, He even had His Father turn His back on Him - many people find this difficult to comprehend - how could God turn His back on God? Well He could because Jesus HAD to be our 100% complete Substitute - if God hadn't turned His back on Christ then we would be lost into a Christless eternity, because in our Christless, sinful state - God would turn His back on us. The depth of the love, pain and suffering to win a people for Himself is beyond our comprehension, but He has risen victorious - Christ is (to put it in the words of William Williams [Pantycelyn] ) Death of death (He has destroyed [eternal] death, it no longer lives in His people) and Hell's Destruction - for His people Hell is destroyed - we will never taste the foulness of it, we will never be cast into a Christless eternity because of those arms, spread out on the cross.
Acts 7:56
And said, Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God.
Stephen saw the Lord Jesus at the right hand of God (this is a bit of license now, but I wonder if Jesus had His arms wide open, ready to receive Stephen into His presence - the Bible doesn't say, but I like to think of it that way. And notice that Jesus is standing to welcome Stephen into eternal rest - elsewhere in Scripture it says that Jesus is seated at God's right hand, but He longs to welcome His weary traveller home to His side - what a wonderful picture)!

Friday, 26 October 2012

Domestic Violence within a religious context

This has been on my heart for a while now and I am hoping to address this issue from a Christian perspective over time! 

I have a book in mind, to write about the subject of women encountering Jesus and how He treated women with a view to it leading to husbands seeing how they should treat their wives within a Christian home (from a Biblical perspective).

I will try and write something soon because it is an issue which must be highlighted and addressed within churches.

Watch this space...

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Tolkeinesque humour

These were things I made up in 2005 as a bit of a joke - so for all who like and appreciate Tolkein - here's a post for you:

Bilbo Baggins

There and Back Again: A Hobbit’s Tale

Country Living
Elves Weekly

Nuduin Times
Hobbiton Chronicle

Comic Strips
Nymphs and Shepherds

Mission Imp
Mission Imp 2
Lord of the Rings
First Blood – the beginnings of Nuduin
Naked Gnomes
Naked Gnomes 21/2′
Naked Gnomes 331/3"
Armageddon New Armour and a Bow
Twelve Men from beneath the Mountain
The Lone Ranger
The Return of the King: Elvish is Alive
Pixie Academy
Mrs Dragonfire
Escape from New Orc City
Enemy of the State: Smaug returns
May-tricks: Computer wizardry starring Gandalf
May-tricks exploded: more dangerous computer wizardry by Gandalf
May-tricks Revolution: the Hobbits rebel

S.W.A.T.: Got that pesky Dwarf
Kill Bilbo: Directed by Gollum

Master and Commander – Starring Gandalf Stormcrow
The Out-of-Towners – Invasion of the Trolls
Mystic River – Saruman casts a spell
The Ent-tertainer
Gnome Alone
TV Shows
Biffo the Dwarf Slayer
Deep Space Elf

Leprachaun Connery

Type of Music
Music of the Woods

Take That (you annoying little Dwarf)
Spice Elves
Atomic Wargs


Rivendell Rangers
Lothlorien Loonies

Vacation Spots

Drink – Sprite

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

True to yourself or false

I was pondering the world when I was coming home from my singing lesson today (I was on a bus so I had time to ponder :) )

We live in a world of false things:

False promises - we see this with our MPs [politicians], of course these can be at a lower level
False peace treaties - again amongst nations - false peace can be amongst families and work colleauges, peers etc.

But what about our personal lives? Our physical bodies? Did God create us to be false? Did God give us the bodies we have so that we could alter them to how we want to? This world is full of false things:

False hair colour/hair type (curly or straight) etc.
False eye lashes
False skin colour (tans and the like)
False nails
False breasts
False eye colour (different coloured contact lenses)
False body figures (I remember in the 80s there was a media frenzy when Jane Fonda admitted she had some ribs removed to make her have a slim(mer) waist)

Do we really have to go around being false? (Got to admit that I have worn false nails because my nails are hopeless)

I'm not judging anyone who has any of these things - Just wondering whether we should be false in our lives - have false anything (including false attitudes...)?

Saturday, 18 August 2012

Ten String Instrument

I love this:

An elderly saint at a prayer meeting was heard to pray,

“O Lord, we will praise You;
we will praise You with an instrument of ten strings!”
 (People wondered what he meant).
“We will praise You with our eyes by looking only unto You.
We will exalt You with our ears by listening only to Your voice.
We will extol You with our two hands by working in Your service.
We will honour You with our own two feet by walking in the way of Your statutes.
We will magnify You with our tongue by bearing testimony to Your loving kindness.
We will worship You with our heart by loving only You.
We thank You for this instrument, Lord; keep it in tune.
Play upon it as You will and ring out the melodies of Your grace!
May its harmonies always express Your glory!”

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Plan your work , then work your plan...

...easier said than done, especially when I have so much I want to do! 

This is what I have going on:

  1. I home educate my 16 year old son who has mild aspergers
  2. I want to build a portfolio of teaching I have done over the past 12 years
  3. I am writing a children's book
  4. I have ideas for another 6 books
  5. I want to research an adult book I've been wanting to write for ages
  6. I HAVE to do Grade 5 music theory in November (2012)
  7. I HAVE to do Grade 6 flute by July 2013, before the music changes
  8. I'm doing an IGCSE Spanish course which involves assignments to write
  9. I'm doing an IGCSE Business Studies course which involves assignment writing
  10. I want to build a website on Social Reform therefore I'm reading a biography about Anthony Ashley Cooper - 7th Earl of Shaftesbury (1801-1885)
  11. I HAVE to read Scandalous (by Don Carson) by the end of September 2012 for a book group I belong to
  12. I work 4 afternoons a week

No wonder I never get anything done - I have too much going on! I have good intensions which never get completed! PRIORITISE!!

The items marked in red are urgent/important... 
The items marked in green is everything else

I'm sure if I did just half an hour a day on some of those things I'd soon get through them! So I need to:


Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Friday, 13 July 2012

Conversation about the weather...

I love this quote by Oscar Wilde

“Conversation about the weather is the last refuge of the unimaginative”

Friday, 22 June 2012


Over the next few weeks I'm planning on making a couple of videos to help inspire people to teach their children how to spell and young children on how to do division and multiplication!

Hopefully they will encourage parents who home school! :)

Monday, 9 January 2012

my poetry blog


A blog for my poetry! Feel free to follow!

Friday, 6 January 2012


OK, I 'm about a week late posting this, but wanted to wish ALL readers a really happy and prosperous 2012!

To all home educators - I hope you have planned this term's lessons and are having happy times at home with your offspring :)